In the Pennsylvania and New Jersey markets (Green Mountain only has markets in CA, PA & NJ so far), there are several wood waste incinerators whose energy could be sold as "green." Proposed new construction/demolition wood waste incinerators have been kicked out of several communities in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware in the past few years. On April 24th, 2000, a law was passed in Delaware state banning the "green energy" wood waste incinerators that have been threatening Delaware communities.* Before being banned by Delaware's new law, Philpower Corporation's proposed wood waste incinerator has been kicked out of 5-6 Delaware communities, most of them targeted for poor, minority neighborhoods.
Currently, there are still "green energy" marketers proposing to build new construction/demolition wood waste incinerators in New Jersey. If any of these wood waste incinerators are constructed, their power may be sold by Green Mountain as "new renewable" power. Green Mountain has indicated a willingness to market this sort of polluting energy.
Information on the hazards of wood waste incineration can be found in the article titled, "The Burning Issues with Biomass."
* Delaware's new law also bans the "green energy" chicken shit incinerators proposed by Fibrowatt and Allen's Family Foods. These companies are now looking to eastern Maryland to build their waste burners.
In Pennsylvania, Green Mountain has been advertising since January, 1999 as if they have wind turbines in their mix. For at least several months, Green Mountain wouldn't even claim that they had wind power in their mix (they likely had none). At some point in 1999, they claimed to be reselling wind power from Searsburg, Vermont (a 6 megawatt wind farm that was built in part with federal tax dollars) to Pennsylvania customers. To the extend that this was true, they were simply taking wind power out of the mix that Vermont customers used to get to sell it to Pennsylvania customers. In other words, they were only moving existing supplies around (on paper) and were doing nothing to improve the environment.
Not until recently, has Green Mountain had NEW wind power in their mix. A 10 megawatt wind farm in Somerset County in southwest Pennsylvania was built to supply Green Mountain's mix and should be doing so starting around May 2000. This is very commendable that they have this new wind capacity being built. Green Mountain should build more wind power and should commit to not using polluting sources of power.
Until solar prices come down a lot, don't expect to see any significant amounts of solar power built for the green energy market. Marketers like Green Mountain are likely to continue to build only as much as they need for a good Earth Day press release.